Safety case regulations require duty holders to demonstrate that all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified, that the risks have been evaluated and that measures have been, or will be taken to reduce the risk to people to ALARP.
Potential major accidents include impacts from both attendant and passing vessels. These are events likely to involve major damage to the structure of the Installation and, consequently, all types of vessels with the potential to impact the installation must be considered a major accident hazard.
Seacroft Marine Consultants has contributed to safety case planning by performing numerous practical assessments of ship collision detection for offshore assets, structures and associated infrastructure.
Time based collision avoidance procedures are generated in accordance with calculated or estimated installation muster and evacuation times and documented accordingly.
The intent of the Collision Risk Management Performance Standards is to ensure that all installations where personnel are present are provided with sufficient warning time to complete a full evacuation, should an errant vessel be on a collision course.