We are carbon neutral
Seacroft Marine Consultants is proud to announce that we have achieved carbon neutrality for our entire operation in accordance with the internationally recognised PAS 2060:2014 standard.
This achievement demonstrates our commitment to quantifying, reducing, and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions throughout our entire operation, including facilities, energy use, business travel, employee commuting, purchases, transportation, distribution, and waste management.

To ensure carbon neutrality,
we developed a comprehensive carbon management plan that covers the assessment of carbon emissions, emission reduction initiatives, and the use of carbon offset processes.
Carbon Reduction Plan
Our Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan outlines the targeted activities to reduce our carbon footprint over the 2022-2030 period, with a quantified reduction goal of 35.42%. This includes:
- Transitioning our office to a renewable electricity provider
- Adopting energy-efficient practices
- Utilising low-power electrical equipment
- Optimising business travel and commuting
- Reducing emissions from logistics and the supply chain.
We will regularly review and update our plan to ensure continuous improvement.
To learn more about our carbon neutrality achievement and initiatives, you can download our Qualifying Explanatory Statement (QES) detailing our compliance with PAS 2060:2014.
Carbon Footprint
We are committed to offsetting our carbon footprint. We purchased 19.25 acres of former farmland, which will be preserved as a wildflower and grass pasture with shrub and tree coverage. We have also participated in the Conserve Natural Forests tree planting scheme, planting 149 Afzelia xylocarpa species in Thailand.
These initiatives will offset a total volume of 114.336 tonnes CO2e for 2022.