Following the implementation of ‘goal-setting’ legislation by the UK HSE in the mid-1990s, Seacroft pioneered the process for technical assessment and implementation of emergency response and rescue vessel sharing arrangements.
With our methodology recognised and contained in industry guidelines, Seacroft has delivered hundreds of assessments of ERRV sharing arrangements across the UKCS offshore sector and internationally. Seacroft’s knowledge and experience is underpinned by an unrivalled database of over 20 years of ERRV performance information, supporting the extrapolation model that has become an established system for achieving acceptance by regulators, industry bodies, duty holders and vessel operators.
Seacroft’s extensive experience in rescue and recovery includes many novel approaches: large autonomous rescue craft operating under the small commercial vessel code, platform launched arrangements, the innovative use of crew transfer and walk-2-work vessels and the use of personal watercraft for rescue from very confined areas in often harsh and inhospitable environments.