Aberdeen-based Seacroft Marine Consultants Limited has been awarded a marine consultancy contract in the UKCS by energy company TAQA.
Under the contract, Seacroft will provide marine assurance services over supply vessels (PSVs), Emergency Response & Rescue Vessels (ERRVs) and Anchor Handling Tugs (AHTs) supporting TAQA’s five installations and mobile drilling operations in the northern and central North Sea.
The contract will run for an initial period of three years and the scope provides for Seacroft to provide other marine consultancy services where required by TAQA.
Seacroft Marine director Jennifer Fraser welcomed the new contract: “We are pleased to be continuing our relationship with TAQA. This award comes at a time of increasing activity in Aberdeen’s marine sector and gives us confidence to continue to pursue Seacroft’s growth plans in the city.”
Notes to Editors
Seacroft Marine announced in April that it had already added over £500,000 in new contracts won since the start of 2018 and, while no value for this latest TAQA award has been given, Seacroft describe it as a significant addition to that total.
Seacroft Marine is an Aberdeen-based marine consultancy providing advice, inspection and assurance services to offshore installation operators, drilling contractors and the support and emergency response vessels attending them.
Seacroft’s services include CMID & OVID vessel inspections, dynamic positioning assurance & trials, rig move services, International Safety Management (ISM) audits, Emergency Response & Rescue Vessel (ERRV) procedures and trials, technical authorship, incident investigation, and training in ship handling and bridge team management.
The company has a track record of innovation in the sector, including development of safe practices for sharing ERRVs and, in 2017, the launch of the Seacroft’s ‘SafeZone 500’ suite of ready-to-use procedures, training and audit tools which manage and mitigate risk of collision between offshore installations and their attending vessels.
Established in 1995 by Capt. Roderick MacSween, the business has been jointly owned and led since 2004 by his daughter, Jennifer Fraser and technical director Michael Cowlam.
Based at the distinctive Roundhouse at Aberdeen’s harbour mouth, Seacroft has a permanent staff of 15, the majority of whom are Master Mariners. The firm also retains some 80 further consultants specialising in aspects of marine assurance and trialling work.